Dynamometer, what is it, price and how to use it and choose it?

November 2, 2021

The dynamometer , also known as dyno, is a laboratory equipment that is used to measure the torque and the rotational speed, simultaneously, of a motor. Either primary or rotary, so that its power can be calculated. The dynamometer should display the results as kW or CV.

In addition to being used for the characteristics of torque or powers, mentioned above, of a machine that is being tested, the laboratory instrument also employs other fundamental functions that are collected by physics laboratories. For example, environmental protection agencies perform standard emissions test cycles in which the dynamometer provides a simulated load on the road. This is either from the engine, or the entire powertrain, which uses a chassis dynamometer.

Beyond motor power measurement activities , these tools can also be used as part of a test bench for the day-to-day activities of motors. Examples include calibration tests through engine management, research by scientists in the field of combustion, and the not very well known application of tribology.

Next, we will break down in detail everything that this great laboratory material has for us that has evolved as technology has covered the field of industry.

We will go through its meaning, typical uses in the area of ​​physics, medical and many more. If you are fond of instruments found in a laboratory, such as the electrometer , you definitely have to read this article to the end. Join us!

What is a dynamometer?

As mentioned and specified above, the dynamometer is a device used in force measurement and is a pioneer in this field. Its purpose is to verify, for future comparison, the torque force or the power of a given object. For example, the dynamometer is capable of measuring the power produced by an engine by simultaneously comparing torque and rotational speed, known by the acronym rpm.

However, dynamometer does not have its only use in the strength and power of the engine. It can also be used to determine the torque and power with which the driven machines operate. An example of these machines could be the pump. The only thing to keep in mind is that to achieve this you cannot use just any type of dynamometer, but a driving one.

Among other types of dynamometer they are called absorption or passive, conducting or absorbing, among many others. The functions will vary, but they always have a principle to which they must obey. That there are different uses responds to the fact that the flexibility of science always requires that there be new laboratory instruments capable of measuring and understanding what is happening both on earth and in the universe. It is from this need that the dynamometer arises, capable of measuring the power and torque of some elements.

Dynamometer history

The invention of the dynamometer is attributed to George Graham , and the date dates to the year 1719, which was mentioned in the writings of the writer and scientist John Desaguiler. This same man was able to grasp the initial idea of ​​the dynamometer, he improved it and that is why he bears the last name of both.

Although the main idea named above is in 1719, it was not until 1798, thanks to a man named Edmé Réginer, that it became known to the public. This was a French rifle manufacturer and engineer who was attracted to the idea of ​​the dynamometer.

Dynamometer Applications

One of the characteristics that we have already mentioned above and is that the dynamometer is used to measure the torque or power of a machine, but in general, there are many other functions that this interesting laboratory instrument can use.

The dynamometer is capable of exercising for routine detection of blood and hand force in medical field. Initial and ongoing evaluation of trauma patients, as well as hand dysfunction, can be measured with these laboratory materials. In medical terminology, they are also used to measure the pressure of a patient where the doctor suspects that there is an involvement or deterioration of the cervical roots of the peripheral nerves.

It is also normal to see the dynamometer applied in the fields of rehabilitation and ergonomics. Dynamometers that are intended for strength are used to see how much is accumulated in the back, the ability to grip, the arms or the legs of patients and workers who have undergone a physical change. In fact, one of the functions of the tool is to measure the performance and demands of the tasks.

Typically, the force applied to a lever through a cable is measured and then converted to a moment of force after multiplying the perpendicular distances of the forces from the axis of the level.

How the dynamometer is composed

In fact, the dynamometer is one of the simplest types of laboratory equipment that you can imagine. These feature a sturdy metal spring that is divided into two parts. It has anchors at some ends, which are attached to each other through the end. This type of instrument is very similar to a spring balance. The only difference between one and the other is in the calibration.

On the one hand, there is the spring balance, which has its scale marked in units of weight, which is known as kg, while the dynamometer is calibrated in units of force, such as newtons. Although it is true that the dynamometer that we know today is capable of measuring simple traction force, it is not good that it is used to measure the force of a motor or the power of a machine. This is because they have reduced their size and have been used for other fields.

How is the dynamometer data obtained?

The dynamometer has an integral component that is the system in which it acquires the data to be measured. This component comprises two units, one is the commander, which is a desktop computer operated by Windows-based software. The software issues commands to the workstation and an easy display operated unit housed in a fairly rugged industrial enclosure.

The other component is the workstation , which is a touch screen operated unit housed in a rugged enclosure. The workstation operates the precision loading and acceleration control systems. And, it is also capable of collecting the data until it is sent to the commander to be processed and later analyzed by the scientists.

Dynamometer types

In addition to the absorption and universal classification, there are other types of dynamometer that are worth reviewing to better understand the operation. These include:

Current dynamometer

This type of dynamometer is the most widely used today. They are able to provide a speed of change in the fast load so that the settlement is fast in the load. Most are air-cooled, although some of these are designed to require external water-cooling systems.

Powder dynamometer

Similar to that described above, the dynamometer must be placed with a powder with a magnetic characteristic in the space between the rotor and the instrument coil. The lines of flows that result once the chains are created, as the action is called, of metal particles, are constantly being built. They are subsequently broken during the rotation process, resulting in a large torque being created. However, this dynamometer is limited, at RPM scales due to heat dissipation issues.

Hysteresis dynamometer

Dynamometer dynamometer uses a type of rotor that is magnetic and can sometimes be made of alloy. Which is transported by flow lines generated between the magnetic pole pieces. The magnetization of the rotor cycles around its characteristic, dissipating energy proportional to the area between the lines of that graph.

Generator dynamometer

Also known as an electric motor, it is a type of specialized dynamometer used in adjustable speed drive. The absorption unit can also be an alternating current or direct current motor. It is frequent in engine tests, as they are called universal, and not only can they absorb the power of the engine, but they are also capable of conducting the power to obtain the measurement of friction, engine pumping losses, and others. important factors.

Other principles of the dynamometer

Making clear the applications and uses of the dynamometer, it is important to clarify other principles for which without important. These include:

  • Measure how much energy you need . If you have at your disposal a giant factory where you can find levers, gears and transmission belts. With the dynamometer he is able to know how big the engine must be that he would need for all these elements to be put into operation. The machine is called a driving dynamometer.
  • Measure how much power you have . In case you have a motor, you can use a different type to measure the power of the turning force it produces. This dynamometer is known as absorption.
Dr. Loony Davis5
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Born and raised in Brussels in an English family, I have always lived in a multicultural environment. After several work experiences in marketing and communication, I came to Smart Water Magazine, which I describe as the most exciting challenge of my career.
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