Calf meter, what is it and what is its price?

November 2, 2021

If you want to get that perfect body, or at least lower your fat levels. You don’t have to go to the doctors to inform you of your progress. Don’t waste your time and money going to hospitals anymore. The caliper or adipometer is the tool used to measure the fat you have. This is a reliable way to find out that percentage. Discover with us what you need to know about it.

It is not that simple, since after the measurement you must perform certain mathematical operations in order to know the result. If you are not one of those who is good at math, don’t worry, there are also digital ones . Just a pressure of 10 grams per square millimeter will suffice to get a proper measurement.

What types of calipers exist

From being mechanical or digital, the range of varieties of this type of instrument on the market is very wide.

Disposable caliper

It is very low cost , but it has the disadvantage that you cannot use it to do regular check-ups with the same instrument. In general, they are almost always made of low-quality plastic, so it is advisable to look for another type of caliper if you want more security in the measurement and a longer useful life.

Although this type of instrument is easy to use, the disposable caliper is not used by professionals due to its lack of precision and reliability. They are commonly dedicated to students to carry out their internships .

Economical caliper

It is the most sold and most accessible by the population. Its cost can vary between 40 and 50 dollars. Although they are all made of plastic, they can last several years , if you use them properly.

The precision and reliability are good and its handling is very simple. Most nutritionists accept their measurements as reliable. One of the best sellers in the world is the Slim Guide.

Professional caliper

They are highly reliable and accurate . They are usually made of steel. Its main drawback is its high purchase cost.

One of the best known in the world is the Lange. It is recognized for its excellent value for money . It has long durability, is easy to handle, and is appropriately sized.

Scientific or research caliper

It is the most accurate of all the existing ones . Its accuracy is about 0.2 millimeters, a very small figure. Harpenden is recognized and demanded in the market as a type of this caliper classification.

It is used in various projects in the branch of medicine and medical-scientific research. There are also other models that are digital that provide faster computation when performing calculations automatically, but their cost increases.

How should I use a caliper

The point of measurement is to take the skin thickness correctly, with the appropriate pressure and by a trained personnel to perform the test. When taking an exam of this type, you need to do certain steps such as:

  • Stand up with your legs together and with your arms hanging down at the sides of your body.
  • That you determine quite exactly the midpoint of your body. You can help yourself with a tape measure.
  • You must make the measurement by taking the part that you are going to measure with your thumb and index finger. It is important that you do not take muscle tissue.
  • Place the tweezers of the appliance about an inch or two under your fingers.
  • The measurement should take 2-3 seconds to make sure it is correct.
  • You should never stop holding the crease with your fingers during the measurement.
  • Open the tweezers when removing the instrument so you don’t hurt yourself.

You know you can make a homemade adipometer

Well yes, as you hear, it is possible to make one “with low resources . ” If you do not have the time to attend nutrition consultations, you can choose to make your small homemade caliper.

All you need is a tape measure, a notebook to record your calculations, a pencil, and a calculator. Follow the steps below to do the procedure:

  1. Measure your height by standing straight and with the help of a tape measure.
  2. Evaluate the width of your hips, although you should be careful, as this value varies by gender. If you are a woman you should measure it across the widest part of the abdomen, if you are a man just horizontally where your navel is.
  3. Determine the circumference of your neck.
  4. If you are a woman, you should also measure the circumference of your hips additionally.
  5. Calculate according to the following formulas.

There are two ways to calculate your body fat index depending on the units you use.

Body fat index if you calculate in centimeters

For men, the formula is: fat percent = 86.010 x length (abdomen-neck) – 70.041 x length (height) + 30.30

For women the formula is: fat percent = 163,205 x length (abdomen + hips – neck) – 97,684 x ​​length (height) – 104,912

Body fat index if you calculate in inches

For men the formula is: fat percent = 86.010 x length (abdomen-neck) – 70.041 x length (height) + 36.76

For women the formula is: percent fat = 163,205 x length (abdomen + hips – neck) – 97,684 x ​​length (height) – 78,387

How you should handle a digital caliper

Although there are several models of digital calipers, the main difference is in the degrees of precision that it has.

But are they used in the same way? You just have to follow a few simple steps to use it.

  • Stand up straight and firmly grasp the fold of skin to be measured.
  • Place preferably about 3 centimeters above your hips.
  • Place the calipers of the digital caliper in the area that is held by your fingers.
  • Hold the device for a few seconds
  • You only have to read the exact measurement, since the instrument already calculates the percent and you do not have to be making your calculations on paper and pencil.

What folds should I use to make the measurements

There are 6 folds that are used fundamentally to do this type of test , they are:

  • Abdominal fold
  • Suprailiac fold
  • Subscapular fold
  • Pliegue tricipital
  • Quadriceps fold
  • Peritoneal fold
Dr. Loony Davis5
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Born and raised in Brussels in an English family, I have always lived in a multicultural environment. After several work experiences in marketing and communication, I came to Smart Water Magazine, which I describe as the most exciting challenge of my career.
I am a person with great restlessness and curiosity to learn, discover what I do not know, as well as reinvent myself daily, someone who is curious about life and wants to know. I enjoy sharing knowledge.
This is my personal project but I also collaborate in other blogs, it is the case, the most important web on water currently exists in the US, if you are interested you can read my articles here.

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